Unleash Your Natural Fashion & Beauty, Consciously

Royalfashions Shop

Our Mission

Growing up in Sacramento, CA as a young black lady was a challenging yet venturous experience. From participating in pageants, dance teams and other fun, extra curriculums. I had to learn quickly about aesthetics and the beauty standards it takes to be welcomed into the beauty industry. Hair, skin, body, and fashion are major tools to be used to advance in any field of work you choose to pursue. No matter what you’ve heard, appearance does matter and is equally, crucial as important when developing any professional skills. One thing that I had to catch onto fast to be socially accepted is that people can’t really see your personality when they first see you. They see your appearance first.

Royalfashions Hair Collection

Royalfashions Hair Collection

Sweetsz Hair Collection


Royalfashions Hair Collection

That is when things instantly changed for me. Hair always been a major part of appearance for me. Personally, when I first encounter someone, the first two things I see is skin and hair. I was raised in an all-girls household and unfortunately my mother suffered from Alopecia which caused her to lose all her hair by the age of 9. She and other family members were responsible for styling my hair until I reached the age of 17. Although my hair was being styled for me throughout my childhood, there was a major lack of education when it came to growing healthy hair. It wasn’t until I turned 23 years old where I finally did the “Big Chop”, and I took it upon myself to learn more about my hair type and how to properly take care of my hair. Luckily, I’m now linked with a professional hair stylist that I love and trust.

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